2024届高考英语: 2021新高考I卷&II卷读后续写(母亲节惊喜)讲义学案(含解析) 您所在的位置:网站首页 spotted with读后续写 2024届高考英语: 2021新高考I卷&II卷读后续写(母亲节惊喜)讲义学案(含解析)

2024届高考英语: 2021新高考I卷&II卷读后续写(母亲节惊喜)讲义学案(含解析)

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《2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典》专题06 2021新高考I卷&II卷读后续写(母亲节惊喜)讲义及满分语料10类68句背默 (原卷版)目录真题呈现 1答案解析 2研读材料 3思维拓展 3谋篇布局 5满分语料分类背诵10类68例 5满分秘诀一、无灵主语(时间、地点、情感、自然现象、动作行为类名词作主语) 5满分秘诀二、动作链(A and B型,A, B and C 型) 6满分秘诀三、独立主格结构/with复合结构 6满分秘诀四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等) 6满分秘诀五、介词短语位于句首 7满分秘诀六、环境描写 8满分秘诀七、主题升华句 8范文背诵 9(真题呈现)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。A MOTHER’S DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeff’s hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右。2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【简要分析】【原文解读】本文以母亲节为线索展开,讲述了双胞胎Jenna和Jeff为了献给母亲一份美味的早餐,自己动手,做起饭餐来,但是不幸的是,他们连连失败,后来在父亲的帮助下,获得成功,他们把早餐献给亲爱的母亲,妈妈非常感动的故事。【续写线索】帮助——指导——积极——献礼——感动【段落续写】1.由第一段首句内容“当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时,他们的父亲出现了”可知,第一段可描写他们的父亲指导帮助他们准备早餐。2.由第二段首句内容“这对双胞胎把早餐端到楼上,叫醒了他们的母亲”可知,第二段可描写母亲收到孩子们的礼物早餐,非常感动。第二节 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是Jenna和Jeff这对双胞胎兄妹为了在母亲节早上给母亲惊喜而精心策划并制作早餐的故事;他们克服困难,永不放弃,折射的是他们对母亲的拳拳之爱。Paragraph 1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. Knowing what they were preparing for, he was greatly surprised. So immediately, he offered to get involved in the kids’ job. Firstly, he put the pot of porridge on a gentle heat, asking Jeff to watch out for it going for fifteen minutes. And then, he asked Jenna to break another two eggs and mix them with milk. With all preparations done, they started to fry bread together. In a flash, sweet smell filled the air in the kitchen. To their delight, the breakfast was a success in the end.Paragraph 1:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. Eyes opened, the woman heard a harmonious “Happy Mother’s Day” from her twin kids with hot, sweet breakfast before her. Behind the children stood their father. To shed light on the game of the gift, he told the mother the whole story. After learning about what happened, she rose quickly to gaze at the boy’s hand with moved tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you, my honey!” said the mother.【导语】本文以母亲节为线索展开,讲述了双胞胎Jenna和Jeff为了献给母亲一份美味的早餐,自己动手,做起饭餐来,但是不幸的是,他们连连失败的故事。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时,他们的父亲出现了。”可知,第一段可描写他们的父亲指导帮助他们准备早餐。②由第二段首句内容“这对双胞胎把早餐端到楼上,叫醒了他们的母亲。”可知,第二段可描写母亲收到孩子们的礼物早餐,非常感动。2.续写线索:指导——积极——献礼——感动3.词汇激活行为类①帮助:help/assist②完成:finish/complete③拥抱:hug/embrace情绪类①高兴:happy/delighted②感动:moved/touched【点睛】[高分句型1]. Father helped them adjust the fire, which was the key to success. (which引导的非限制性定语从句)[高分句型2]. It was not only the breakfast, but the love of the children for her that moved her very much. (固定短语not only…but (also)和强调句型)(研读材料)一、读大意,抓中心主题双胞胎Jeff和Jenna准备在母亲节为母亲做法式吐司和鸡肉粥的早餐,母亲节当天,他们先煮粥,然后把面包放进鸡蛋和牛奶的混合液中。但由于火太大,面包焦了,在第二块面包将要煎成功的时候,沸腾的粥把火熄灭了,厨房里一片狼藉,Jeff的手也烫伤了,Jenna帮他用冷水冲手的时候闻到了面包烧焦的味道。二、读人物,找续写人物读续写两段的首句可知,Dad ,Mom和twins是续写内容的关键人物三、读时态,选续写时态通读全文可知,该故事主要是用一般过去时讲述的,故续写内容的时态也应一致。四、读结构,辨划分方式弄清故事的结构特点及表现形式,选择合适的方式划分段落,常用的有4种:1.以时空变化划分(指时间和地点);2.以人物思想感情的变化来划分;3.按记叙内容的变化来划分;4.按描述角度的变化、事情发展的阶段来划分。再看回真题,一开始,这对双胞胎在母亲节前就在策划给母亲的惊喜,而后是在母亲节当天,两人在厨房为母亲准备早餐。而由续写两段首句可知,续写第一段这对Twins还是在厨房里,第二段是在楼上妈妈的卧室里,人物所处地点不断变化,由此可知, 题目是按照时空变化来划分的。而我们在构思续写内容时也应在这两个地点的基础上进行拓展。五、读语言,定风格特色挖掘文本语言表达风格,模仿原文语言写句子。使续写部分的语言风格与原文的风格相一致,以促进语言协同。此外,如果原文有较多对话, 续写也可出现对话;如原文没有对话, 尽量少用对话形式。(思维导图)(谋篇布局)续写第一段:根据续写第二段提示句可知,早餐最终被做好了,因此本段可围绕“爸爸出现”后给予双胞胎的帮助展开故事情节,可以是爸爸给他们指出补救办法,或者爸爸直接帮忙,不管是哪种构思,双胞胎做早餐的困难在本段应该得到解决。续写第二段:根据提示句可知双胞胎已经端着早餐上楼并叫醒妈妈,因此本段可围绕双胞胎见到妈妈后的故事展开,可以穿插双胞胎和妈妈之间的对话,还可以提到爸爸假装睡觉,最后可以通过自然式结尾,给故事画上句号,或通过主题式结尾,突出“亲情”、“劳动”、“克服困难、解决问题”等主题。(语料背诵)满分秘诀一、无灵主语(时间、地点、情感、自然现象、动作行为类名词作主语)1.一看到这一片狼藉,他的下巴就惊吓掉了。1. His jaw dropped open at the sight of the great mess.2.如释重负的泪水像一条断了的珍珠项链一样滚落下来。2. Tears of relief rolled down like a broken pearl necklace.3.很快,厨房里弥漫着早餐的香味。3. Soon, the delicious smell of breakfast filled the kitchen.4.母亲面带微笑,灿烂的笑容照亮了整个房间。4. The mother’s face beamed and her shining smile lit up the room.5.很快,一份精心设计的法式吐司和一碗粥就做好了。5. Soon, a well-designed French toast and a bowl of porridge were ready.6.当她看到早餐时,眼睛睁大了,兴奋得闪闪发光。6. When she saw the breakfast, her eyes widened up and twinkled with excitement.7.她的眼睛在早餐和双胞胎之间徘徊,好像在问发生了什么事。7. Her eyes wandered between the breakfast and the twins as if she was asking what happened.8、整个上午,大家沐浴在幸福家庭的温暖中,度过了一段幸福的时光。8. That whole morning witnessed a happy time with everyone bathed in the warmth of a happy family.9.她一注意到早餐端到床上,脸上就闪过一丝兴奋。9. The instant she noticed the breakfast was brought in bed, a ripple of excitement flashed through her face.10.食物的香味弥漫在卧室里,仿佛变了魔法,卧室变成了世界上最可爱的地方。10. The scent of the food filled the bedroom, which, as if by magic, had turned into the most lovely place in the world.满分秘诀二、动作链(A and B型,A, B and C 型)11.杰夫又吃了一片面包,这一次一切都很完美。11. Jeff put in another slice of bread and this time everything was perfect.12.他们拥抱着她,喊道:“妈妈,母亲节快乐!”12. They hugged her and yelled "Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy!"13.父亲拿出药盒,在詹娜的手上涂了一些药。13. Father fetched the medicine box and applied some medicine to Jenna’s hand.14.妈妈咬了一口三明治,大声说这是她吃过的最好的三明治。14. Mother bit into a sandwich and exclaimed it was the best sandwich she had ever tasted.15.他们的母亲立刻坐了起来,紧紧地拥抱着他们,感激他们做的丰盛早餐。15. Their mother sat up right away, hugged them tightly and appreciated them for their brilliant breakfast.满分秘诀三、独立主格结构/with复合结构16.他们的父亲发现了混乱的局面,明白了一切。16. Spotting the messy situation, their father understood everything.17.一切都解决了,父亲离开了厨房,答应保守他们的秘密。17. Everything settled, Father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.18.詹娜哭了,悔恨和内疚像无尽的潮水一样淹没了她。18. Jenna cried with regret and guilt overwhelming her like endless tides.19.他们的父亲困惑地问他们,心中闪过一丝愤怒。19. Their father asked them confusedly with a sense of anger floating up in his mind.20.母亲深深地感动了,说了声“谢谢”,拥抱着孩子们,泪水模糊了她的眼睛。20. Deeply touched, the mother said “Thank you” and hugged the kids, tears blurring her eyes.21.母亲热泪盈眶,紧紧地搂着他们。21. With tears welling up in her eyes, the mother threw her arms around them tightly.22.父亲吓了一跳,倒在地上,皱着眉头望着现场。22.Astonished, Father was rooted on the floor, staring at the scene with eyebrow frowning.23.这对双胞胎大喊“母亲节快乐”,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。23. The twins yelled “Happy Mother’s Day”, with their eyes twinkling with excitement.24.由于每个人都扮演不同的角色,没过多久,他们三个人就完成了所有的事情。24. With everyone sharing different roles, it didn’t take long for the three of them to get everything done.25.母亲搂着双胞胎,紧紧地拥抱着他们,眼泪从脸颊上流下。25. Mother threw her arms around the twins and hugged them tightly, with moving tears streaming down from cheeks.满分秘诀四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等)26.父亲看到这里一片狼藉,吓得僵住了,好像在地上扎了根似的。26. Seeing the mess, Father froze with shock, as if rooted on the ground.27.听到这些话,这对双胞胎点了点头,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。27. Hearing the words, the twins nodded their heads, their eyes shining with excitement.28.看着诱人的早餐,他们激动得失去了说话的能力。28. Looking at the inviting breakfast, they were deprived of all power of speech by excitement.29.听到这些话,这对双胞胎点了点头,眼睛里闪烁着激动的光芒。29. Hearing the words, the twins nodded, with their eyes sparkling with great excitement.30.看着精心准备的早餐,三人会心一笑。30. Looking at the well prepared breakfast, the three exchanged an understanding smile.31.他们把早餐递给她,大喊“母亲节快乐!给你一个大惊喜!”31. They handed the breakfast to her, yelling “Happy Mother's Day! A big surprise for you!”32.她站起来,把双胞胎紧紧地抱在怀里,说:“这将是我一生中最好的早餐。”。"32. She got up and held the twins tightly in her arms, saying ''This will be the best breakfast in my life. "33.看到他们灰心丧气的脸,他叫他们打扫厨房,同时帮他们给妈妈做早餐。33. Seeing their discouraged faces, he told them to clean up the kitchen while he helped them make breakfast for Mother.34.看到美味的早餐,这对双胞胎可以想象他们的母亲在享用时会多么惊讶和自豪。34. Seeing the delicious breakfast, the twins could imagine how surprised and proud their mother would be when enjoying it.35.她瞪大了眼睛,忍不住品尝着早餐,骄傲地说这是她吃过的最好的早餐。35. Her eyes widened and she could not help tasting the breakfast, saying proudly it was the best breakfast she had ever had.满分秘诀五、介词短语位于句首36.一瞬间,厨房的空气中弥漫着甜甜的味道。36. In a flash, sweet smell filled the air in the kitchen.37.说完之后,杰夫结结巴巴地说出了他们的计划,脸涨得通红。37. After that, Jeff stammered out their plan, his face flushing.38.一看到脏乱的厨房,他就知道发生了什么事。38. At the sight of the messy kitchen, he knew what had happened.39.他毫不犹豫地关上了锅下的火。39. Without hesitation, he turned off the fire burning under the pan.40.让他们欣慰的是,在父亲的指导下,他们成功地做好了早餐。40. To their relief, with the guidance of father, they successfully made the breakfast.41.一看到法式吐司和粥,他们的妈妈就哭了:“太惊喜了!”41. At the sight of the French toast and porridge, their mum let out a cry, “What a surprise!”42.他们的父亲没有责怪他们的粗心大意,而是灿烂地微笑着拍拍他们的头。42. Instead of blaming them for their carelessness, their father put on a bright smile and patted on their heads.43.不到一个小时,厨房就打扫干净了,父亲做了一些鸡蛋三明治,煮了一些燕麦粥。43. Within an hour, the kitchen was cleaned, and Father had made some egg sandwiches and cooked some oat porridge.44.在父亲的指导下,他们收拾残局,成功地做了法式吐司和鸡肉粥。44. Under their father’s instruction, they cleaned up the mess and succeeded in making French toast and chicken porridge.满分秘诀六、形容词、副词短语位于句首45.他们的母亲既震惊又骄傲,轻声说:“谢谢,我的孩子们。”45. Shocked and proud, their mother said in a sweet whisper, “Thanks, my kids.”46.很快,美味诱人的法式吐司和鸡肉粥就做好了。46. Soon the delicious and inviting French toast and chicken porridge were ready.满分秘诀七、直接引语/简洁对话47.他轻轻地拍了拍,安慰道:“别担心,我会帮你修的。”47. He patted them gently, comforting “Don't worry! I'll help you fix it.”48.“惊喜!妈妈,母亲节快乐!”他们说着,把胳膊举向空中。48. “Surprise! Happy mother’s day, mummy!” They said, throwing their arms into the air.49.他笑着小声对他们说:“哇,你们两个真让我惊讶,我能和你们一起去吗?”49. He whispered to them with a smile, “Wow, you two really surprised me, can I join you ”50.“别慌!”他递给每个人一条湿毛巾,帮助他们迅速清理残局。50. “Don’t panic!” he handed each one a wet towel, helping them clean the mess quickly.51. 这个世上最幸福妈妈不停地重复着,“谢谢你们,宝贝。”51. “Thank you, my honey.” the happiest mother in the world kept repeating these words.满分秘诀八、特殊句式(倒装、强调、感叹)52.惊喜来得太突然他们的母亲没有意识到发生了什么事。52. So sudden was the surprise that their mother didn't realize what had happened.53.她非常高兴,紧紧地抱着双胞胎,喜悦的泪水夺眶而出。53. So delighted was she that she hugged the twins tightly, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.54.她羞愧得低着头流下了愧疚的泪水。54. So ashamed was she that she shed guilty tears with head drooping.55.他们的母亲突然没有意识到发生了什么事。55. So sudden was the surprise that their mother didn't realize what had happened.56.妈妈刚一醒来,就发现了美味的早餐。56. No sooner had mother woken up than she spotted the delicious breakfast.57.家庭的爱有助于做出最美味的早餐。57. It is the family love that helps make the most delicious breakfast.58.在任何情况下,他们的母亲都没有想到她的一天会以这样一份温暖的礼物开始。58.Under no circumstances had their mother expected her day to start with such a warm gift.满分秘诀九、环境描写59.阳光透过窗户照在骄傲的母亲脸上。59. The sun was shining on the proud mother’s face through the windows.60.清晨的阳光洒进来,全家人沐浴在爱和幸福之中。60. The early sunlight streaming in, the whole family were bathed in love and happiness.61.沐浴在阳光下,他们一起享用早餐。61. Bathed in the sunshine, they enjoyed the breakfast together.满分秘诀十、主题升华句62.整个房间都沐浴在母亲节快乐的气氛中。62.The whole room was bathed in a happy Mother's Day atmosphere.63. 他们的父亲站在门口,记下这感动的场面。63.他们的父亲站在门旁,记录着这感人的一幕。63. Their father was standing beside the door, recording this touching scene.64.这位父亲用相机记录下了令人难忘的一幕。多么令人惊喜的母亲节啊。64. Using the camera, the father recorded the memorable scene. What a Mother’s Day Surprise.65.沉浸在家庭的爱中,妈妈高兴地说:“你们三个让我过得很开心!”65. Immersed in the love of the family, mom said in delight, “You three have made my day!”66.一家人聚在精心设计的早餐旁,沉浸在幸福和感激之中。66. Gathering around the well-designed breakfast, the whole family was immersed in happiness and gratitude.67. 她立马明白了一切,感觉到一股暖流在她心里涌动,奔腾而来。67. She understood the whole thing at once and felt a warm current welling up in her heart and surging through her.68. 妈妈吻了吻他们,灿烂的笑 “亲爱的谢谢你们。真是个大惊喜!”68. Mother kissed them and smiled dazzlingly “Oh dear, thank you my sweeties. What a big surprise!”(范文背诵)As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. “Don’t panic!” their father handed each of them a wet towel, helping them clean the mess up quickly. After the cleaning, he began helping them prepare breakfast. The twins acted as their father’s little helpers, and it was a pleasure to team up with their father. Under his careful guidance, it didn’t take long before the French toast and chicken porridge were ready. Everything settled, their father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. “Happy Mother’s Day!” shouted the twins. “And we have a surprise for you!” So sweet was the surprise that Mother excitedly shook Father, who was pretending to snore. Her face lit up with happiness. Mother hugged the twins and showed her thanks. She tasted a piece of French toast and said that it was the best breakfast she had ever had. Love filled the whole room. What a beautiful and sweet surprise!1 / 10《2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典》专题06 2021新高考I卷&II卷读后续写(母亲节惊喜)讲义及满分语料10类68句背默 (解析版)目录真题呈现 1答案解析 2研读材料 3思维拓展 3谋篇布局 5满分语料分类背诵10类68例 5满分秘诀一、无灵主语(时间、地点、情感、自然现象、动作行为类名词作主语) 5满分秘诀二、动作链(A and B型,A, B and C 型) 6满分秘诀三、独立主格结构/with复合结构 6满分秘诀四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等) 6满分秘诀五、介词短语位于句首 7满分秘诀六、环境描写 8满分秘诀七、主题升华句 8范文背诵 9(真题呈现)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。A MOTHER’S DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeff’s hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右。2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【简要分析】【原文解读】本文以母亲节为线索展开,讲述了双胞胎Jenna和Jeff为了献给母亲一份美味的早餐,自己动手,做起饭餐来,但是不幸的是,他们连连失败,后来在父亲的帮助下,获得成功,他们把早餐献给亲爱的母亲,妈妈非常感动的故事。【续写线索】帮助——指导——积极——献礼——感动【段落续写】1.由第一段首句内容“当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时,他们的父亲出现了”可知,第一段可描写他们的父亲指导帮助他们准备早餐。2.由第二段首句内容“这对双胞胎把早餐端到楼上,叫醒了他们的母亲”可知,第二段可描写母亲收到孩子们的礼物早餐,非常感动。第二节 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是Jenna和Jeff这对双胞胎兄妹为了在母亲节早上给母亲惊喜而精心策划并制作早餐的故事;他们克服困难,永不放弃,折射的是他们对母亲的拳拳之爱。Paragraph 1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. Knowing what they were preparing for, he was greatly surprised. So immediately, he offered to get involved in the kids’ job. Firstly, he put the pot of porridge on a gentle heat, asking Jeff to watch out for it going for fifteen minutes. And then, he asked Jenna to break another two eggs and mix them with milk. With all preparations done, they started to fry bread together. In a flash, sweet smell filled the air in the kitchen. To their delight, the breakfast was a success in the end.Paragraph 1:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. Eyes opened, the woman heard a harmonious “Happy Mother’s Day” from her twin kids with hot, sweet breakfast before her. Behind the children stood their father. To shed light on the game of the gift, he told the mother the whole story. After learning about what happened, she rose quickly to gaze at the boy’s hand with moved tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you, my honey!” said the mother.【导语】本文以母亲节为线索展开,讲述了双胞胎Jenna和Jeff为了献给母亲一份美味的早餐,自己动手,做起饭餐来,但是不幸的是,他们连连失败的故事。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时,他们的父亲出现了。”可知,第一段可描写他们的父亲指导帮助他们准备早餐。②由第二段首句内容“这对双胞胎把早餐端到楼上,叫醒了他们的母亲。”可知,第二段可描写母亲收到孩子们的礼物早餐,非常感动。2.续写线索:指导——积极——献礼——感动3.词汇激活行为类①帮助:help/assist②完成:finish/complete③拥抱:hug/embrace情绪类①高兴:happy/delighted②感动:moved/touched【点睛】[高分句型1]. Father helped them adjust the fire, which was the key to success. (which引导的非限制性定语从句)[高分句型2]. It was not only the breakfast, but the love of the children for her that moved her very much. (固定短语not only…but (also)和强调句型)(研读材料)一、读大意,抓中心主题双胞胎Jeff和Jenna准备在母亲节为母亲做法式吐司和鸡肉粥的早餐,母亲节当天,他们先煮粥,然后把面包放进鸡蛋和牛奶的混合液中。但由于火太大,面包焦了,在第二块面包将要煎成功的时候,沸腾的粥把火熄灭了,厨房里一片狼藉,Jeff的手也烫伤了,Jenna帮他用冷水冲手的时候闻到了面包烧焦的味道。二、读人物,找续写人物读续写两段的首句可知,Dad ,Mom和twins是续写内容的关键人物三、读时态,选续写时态通读全文可知,该故事主要是用一般过去时讲述的,故续写内容的时态也应一致。四、读结构,辨划分方式弄清故事的结构特点及表现形式,选择合适的方式划分段落,常用的有4种:1.以时空变化划分(指时间和地点);2.以人物思想感情的变化来划分;3.按记叙内容的变化来划分;4.按描述角度的变化、事情发展的阶段来划分。再看回真题,一开始,这对双胞胎在母亲节前就在策划给母亲的惊喜,而后是在母亲节当天,两人在厨房为母亲准备早餐。而由续写两段首句可知,续写第一段这对Twins还是在厨房里,第二段是在楼上妈妈的卧室里,人物所处地点不断变化,由此可知, 题目是按照时空变化来划分的。而我们在构思续写内容时也应在这两个地点的基础上进行拓展。五、读语言,定风格特色挖掘文本语言表达风格,模仿原文语言写句子。使续写部分的语言风格与原文的风格相一致,以促进语言协同。此外,如果原文有较多对话, 续写也可出现对话;如原文没有对话, 尽量少用对话形式。(思维导图)(谋篇布局)续写第一段:根据续写第二段提示句可知,早餐最终被做好了,因此本段可围绕“爸爸出现”后给予双胞胎的帮助展开故事情节,可以是爸爸给他们指出补救办法,或者爸爸直接帮忙,不管是哪种构思,双胞胎做早餐的困难在本段应该得到解决。续写第二段:根据提示句可知双胞胎已经端着早餐上楼并叫醒妈妈,因此本段可围绕双胞胎见到妈妈后的故事展开,可以穿插双胞胎和妈妈之间的对话,还可以提到爸爸假装睡觉,最后可以通过自然式结尾,给故事画上句号,或通过主题式结尾,突出“亲情”、“劳动”、“克服困难、解决问题”等主题。(语料背诵)满分秘诀一、无灵主语(时间、地点、情感、自然现象、动作行为类名词作主语)1.一看到这一片狼藉,他的下巴就惊吓掉了。1. His jaw dropped open at the sight of the great mess.2.如释重负的泪水像一条断了的珍珠项链一样滚落下来。2. Tears of relief rolled down like a broken pearl necklace.3.很快,厨房里弥漫着早餐的香味。3. Soon, the delicious smell of breakfast filled the kitchen.4.母亲面带微笑,灿烂的笑容照亮了整个房间。4. The mother’s face beamed and her shining smile lit up the room.5.很快,一份精心设计的法式吐司和一碗粥就做好了。5. Soon, a well-designed French toast and a bowl of porridge were ready.6.当她看到早餐时,眼睛睁大了,兴奋得闪闪发光。6. When she saw the breakfast, her eyes widened up and twinkled with excitement.7.她的眼睛在早餐和双胞胎之间徘徊,好像在问发生了什么事。7. Her eyes wandered between the breakfast and the twins as if she was asking what happened.8、整个上午,大家沐浴在幸福家庭的温暖中,度过了一段幸福的时光。8. That whole morning witnessed a happy time with everyone bathed in the warmth of a happy family.9.她一注意到早餐端到床上,脸上就闪过一丝兴奋。9. The instant she noticed the breakfast was brought in bed, a ripple of excitement flashed through her face.10.食物的香味弥漫在卧室里,仿佛变了魔法,卧室变成了世界上最可爱的地方。10. The scent of the food filled the bedroom, which, as if by magic, had turned into the most lovely place in the world.满分秘诀二、动作链(A and B型,A, B and C 型)11.杰夫又吃了一片面包,这一次一切都很完美。11. Jeff put in another slice of bread and this time everything was perfect.12.他们拥抱着她,喊道:“妈妈,母亲节快乐!”12. They hugged her and yelled "Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy!"13.父亲拿出药盒,在詹娜的手上涂了一些药。13. Father fetched the medicine box and applied some medicine to Jenna’s hand.14.妈妈咬了一口三明治,大声说这是她吃过的最好的三明治。14. Mother bit into a sandwich and exclaimed it was the best sandwich she had ever tasted.15.他们的母亲立刻坐了起来,紧紧地拥抱着他们,感激他们做的丰盛早餐。15. Their mother sat up right away, hugged them tightly and appreciated them for their brilliant breakfast.满分秘诀三、独立主格结构/with复合结构16.他们的父亲发现了混乱的局面,明白了一切。16. Spotting the messy situation, their father understood everything.17.一切都解决了,父亲离开了厨房,答应保守他们的秘密。17. Everything settled, Father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.18.詹娜哭了,悔恨和内疚像无尽的潮水一样淹没了她。18. Jenna cried with regret and guilt overwhelming her like endless tides.19.他们的父亲困惑地问他们,心中闪过一丝愤怒。19. Their father asked them confusedly with a sense of anger floating up in his mind.20.母亲深深地感动了,说了声“谢谢”,拥抱着孩子们,泪水模糊了她的眼睛。20. Deeply touched, the mother said “Thank you” and hugged the kids, tears blurring her eyes.21.母亲热泪盈眶,紧紧地搂着他们。21. With tears welling up in her eyes, the mother threw her arms around them tightly.22.父亲吓了一跳,倒在地上,皱着眉头望着现场。22.Astonished, Father was rooted on the floor, staring at the scene with eyebrow frowning.23.这对双胞胎大喊“母亲节快乐”,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。23. The twins yelled “Happy Mother’s Day”, with their eyes twinkling with excitement.24.由于每个人都扮演不同的角色,没过多久,他们三个人就完成了所有的事情。24. With everyone sharing different roles, it didn’t take long for the three of them to get everything done.25.母亲搂着双胞胎,紧紧地拥抱着他们,眼泪从脸颊上流下。25. Mother threw her arms around the twins and hugged them tightly, with moving tears streaming down from cheeks.满分秘诀四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等)26.父亲看到这里一片狼藉,吓得僵住了,好像在地上扎了根似的。26. Seeing the mess, Father froze with shock, as if rooted on the ground.27.听到这些话,这对双胞胎点了点头,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。27. Hearing the words, the twins nodded their heads, their eyes shining with excitement.28.看着诱人的早餐,他们激动得失去了说话的能力。28. Looking at the inviting breakfast, they were deprived of all power of speech by excitement.29.听到这些话,这对双胞胎点了点头,眼睛里闪烁着激动的光芒。29. Hearing the words, the twins nodded, with their eyes sparkling with great excitement.30.看着精心准备的早餐,三人会心一笑。30. Looking at the well prepared breakfast, the three exchanged an understanding smile.31.他们把早餐递给她,大喊“母亲节快乐!给你一个大惊喜!”31. They handed the breakfast to her, yelling “Happy Mother's Day! A big surprise for you!”32.她站起来,把双胞胎紧紧地抱在怀里,说:“这将是我一生中最好的早餐。”。"32. She got up and held the twins tightly in her arms, saying ''This will be the best breakfast in my life. "33.看到他们灰心丧气的脸,他叫他们打扫厨房,同时帮他们给妈妈做早餐。33. Seeing their discouraged faces, he told them to clean up the kitchen while he helped them make breakfast for Mother.34.看到美味的早餐,这对双胞胎可以想象他们的母亲在享用时会多么惊讶和自豪。34. Seeing the delicious breakfast, the twins could imagine how surprised and proud their mother would be when enjoying it.35.她瞪大了眼睛,忍不住品尝着早餐,骄傲地说这是她吃过的最好的早餐。35. Her eyes widened and she could not help tasting the breakfast, saying proudly it was the best breakfast she had ever had.满分秘诀五、介词短语位于句首36.一瞬间,厨房的空气中弥漫着甜甜的味道。36. In a flash, sweet smell filled the air in the kitchen.37.说完之后,杰夫结结巴巴地说出了他们的计划,脸涨得通红。37. After that, Jeff stammered out their plan, his face flushing.38.一看到脏乱的厨房,他就知道发生了什么事。38. At the sight of the messy kitchen, he knew what had happened.39.他毫不犹豫地关上了锅下的火。39. Without hesitation, he turned off the fire burning under the pan.40.让他们欣慰的是,在父亲的指导下,他们成功地做好了早餐。40. To their relief, with the guidance of father, they successfully made the breakfast.41.一看到法式吐司和粥,他们的妈妈就哭了:“太惊喜了!”41. At the sight of the French toast and porridge, their mum let out a cry, “What a surprise!”42.他们的父亲没有责怪他们的粗心大意,而是灿烂地微笑着拍拍他们的头。42. Instead of blaming them for their carelessness, their father put on a bright smile and patted on their heads.43.不到一个小时,厨房就打扫干净了,父亲做了一些鸡蛋三明治,煮了一些燕麦粥。43. Within an hour, the kitchen was cleaned, and Father had made some egg sandwiches and cooked some oat porridge.44.在父亲的指导下,他们收拾残局,成功地做了法式吐司和鸡肉粥。44. Under their father’s instruction, they cleaned up the mess and succeeded in making French toast and chicken porridge.满分秘诀六、形容词、副词短语位于句首45.他们的母亲既震惊又骄傲,轻声说:“谢谢,我的孩子们。”45. Shocked and proud, their mother said in a sweet whisper, “Thanks, my kids.”46.很快,美味诱人的法式吐司和鸡肉粥就做好了。46. Soon the delicious and inviting French toast and chicken porridge were ready.满分秘诀七、直接引语/简洁对话47.他轻轻地拍了拍,安慰道:“别担心,我会帮你修的。”47. He patted them gently, comforting “Don't worry! I'll help you fix it.”48.“惊喜!妈妈,母亲节快乐!”他们说着,把胳膊举向空中。48. “Surprise! Happy mother’s day, mummy!” They said, throwing their arms into the air.49.他笑着小声对他们说:“哇,你们两个真让我惊讶,我能和你们一起去吗?”49. He whispered to them with a smile, “Wow, you two really surprised me, can I join you ”50.“别慌!”他递给每个人一条湿毛巾,帮助他们迅速清理残局。50. “Don’t panic!” he handed each one a wet towel, helping them clean the mess quickly.51. 这个世上最幸福妈妈不停地重复着,“谢谢你们,宝贝。”51. “Thank you, my honey.” the happiest mother in the world kept repeating these words.满分秘诀八、特殊句式(倒装、强调、感叹)52.惊喜来得太突然他们的母亲没有意识到发生了什么事。52. So sudden was the surprise that their mother didn't realize what had happened.53.她非常高兴,紧紧地抱着双胞胎,喜悦的泪水夺眶而出。53. So delighted was she that she hugged the twins tightly, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.54.她羞愧得低着头流下了愧疚的泪水。54. So ashamed was she that she shed guilty tears with head drooping.55.他们的母亲突然没有意识到发生了什么事。55. So sudden was the surprise that their mother didn't realize what had happened.56.妈妈刚一醒来,就发现了美味的早餐。56. No sooner had mother woken up than she spotted the delicious breakfast.57.家庭的爱有助于做出最美味的早餐。57. It is the family love that helps make the most delicious breakfast.58.在任何情况下,他们的母亲都没有想到她的一天会以这样一份温暖的礼物开始。58.Under no circumstances had their mother expected her day to start with such a warm gift.满分秘诀九、环境描写59.阳光透过窗户照在骄傲的母亲脸上。59. The sun was shining on the proud mother’s face through the windows.60.清晨的阳光洒进来,全家人沐浴在爱和幸福之中。60. The early sunlight streaming in, the whole family were bathed in love and happiness.61.沐浴在阳光下,他们一起享用早餐。61. Bathed in the sunshine, they enjoyed the breakfast together.满分秘诀十、主题升华句62.整个房间都沐浴在母亲节快乐的气氛中。62.The whole room was bathed in a happy Mother's Day atmosphere.63. 他们的父亲站在门口,记下这感动的场面。63.他们的父亲站在门旁,记录着这感人的一幕。63. Their father was standing beside the door, recording this touching scene.64.这位父亲用相机记录下了令人难忘的一幕。多么令人惊喜的母亲节啊。64. Using the camera, the father recorded the memorable scene. What a Mother’s Day Surprise.65.沉浸在家庭的爱中,妈妈高兴地说:“你们三个让我过得很开心!”65. Immersed in the love of the family, mom said in delight, “You three have made my day!”66.一家人聚在精心设计的早餐旁,沉浸在幸福和感激之中。66. Gathering around the well-designed breakfast, the whole family was immersed in happiness and gratitude.67. 她立马明白了一切,感觉到一股暖流在她心里涌动,奔腾而来。67. She understood the whole thing at once and felt a warm current welling up in her heart and surging through her.68. 妈妈吻了吻他们,灿烂的笑 “亲爱的谢谢你们。真是个大惊喜!”68. Mother kissed them and smiled dazzlingly “Oh dear, thank you my sweeties. What a big surprise!”(范文背诵)As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. “Don’t panic!” their father handed each of them a wet towel, helping them clean the mess up quickly. After the cleaning, he began helping them prepare breakfast. The twins acted as their father’s little helpers, and it was a pleasure to team up with their father. Under his careful guidance, it didn’t take long before the French toast and chicken porridge were ready. Everything settled, their father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. “Happy Mother’s Day!” shouted the twins. “And we have a surprise for you!” So sweet was the surprise that Mother excitedly shook Father, who was pretending to snore. Her face lit up with happiness. Mother hugged the twins and showed her thanks. She tasted a piece of French toast and said that it was the best breakfast she had ever had. Love filled the whole room. What a beautiful and sweet surprise!








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